SARS-CoV-2 (AKA COVID19) is resulting in many K-12 schools closing for the remainder of the academic year. We share the resources below to facilitate home schooling by parents, and include resources for lessons on parasites.
If you know of additional home school resources related to parasites, please email Kelly Weinersmith at KLW5 at This list will be updated if more resources are brought to our attention.
Activities from the Parasite Ecology blog
At home lab activity:
High school student-friendly blog posts about parasite ecology:
From Remember the Wild
The Fairy and the Goblin (a blog post about goblin fleas and their Fairy Possum hosts, with activity sheets)
Here is a list of parasite-related case study lesson plans. These case studies are meant for high school students, undergraduate students, and graduate students. The lessons are available for free, but note that the answer keys require a $25/year subscription.
A great resource in general, and is optimized for grades 3-5. Includes an archived episode called "Living Together - Parasites and Hosts", which features ASP's Dr. Anna Phillips.
Sidedoor: A Podcast from the Smithsonian This podcast includes episodes on parasites and pathogens, such as: The World’s Deadliest Animal Killer Viruses and One Man’s Mission to Stop Them
Smithsonian's Learning Lab has a Distance Learning section, with sections relevant for home schooling.