The Nominating & Tellers Committee is charged with developing a slate of candidates to stand for election as officers and representatives for the Society. The first task of our Committee is to identify candidates willing to commit to service for the Society for the elected positions. Thus, we are looking to identify: 1) two candidates to run for the office of Vice-President and its four required years of service, 2) four candidates from which two Council Members-at-Large will be elected for a four-year term, 3) nine candidates from which the next Nominating & Tellers Committee will be elected, and 4) a minimum of two student members to stand for election as the next Student Representative to Council. Brief descriptions of the positions, their requirements, and their terms are outlined below.
We value the collective wisdom of the membership and wish to solicit input into this process. We will gladly entertain suggestions or recommendations of qualified candidates for any of the listed positions.
Please contact Dr. Sara Brant, Chair of the Nominating & Tellers Committee at the following email (sbrant (@) unm (.) edu - email presented this way to reduce the likelihood of spam - remove spaces and parentheses prior to sending email) with your suggestions before 30 November 2019. Please put “ASP Nominee” in the subject line when you send your nomination.
Vice-President (2 candidates required):
The Vice President serves four years. The Vice President, at the completion of his/her term, shall become the President-Elect, then President, then Immediate Past President. The Vice President is strongly encouraged to attend at least two different annual meetings of Affiliated Societies, other than his/her own, and develop a forum or workshop where issues of importance to the American Society of Parasitologists and affiliates can be discussed. The Vice-President shall also serve as a non-voting member of the Priorities Committee.
Council Members-at-Large (4 candidates required):
Council Members-at-Large serve four-year terms. Terms are staggered in such a manner that there are two regular vacancies to be filled each year. Council Members-at-Large may not be nominated or elected to sequential terms but may serve more than once.
Nominating & Tellers Committee (9 candidates required):
The Nominating & Tellers Committee nominates candidates for the offices of Vice-President and Council Members-at-Large, the Secretary-Treasurer (as needed), and members for the succeeding Nominating & Tellers Committee. The Committee also tallies the annual election ballots. Election to the Nominating & Tellers Committee is by plurality – the top five are elected and the person with the most votes serves as the Chair. The term is for one year.
Student Representative to Council (2 candidates required):
Members in good standing will select two candidates to stand for election for the position of Student Member-at-Large of Council. The term is for one year. All active members of the Society may vote to elect the Student Member-at-Large.